Maximizing A Small Space with Custom Wood Cabinetry
Space. Is there ever enough? Most homeowners have at least one space challenge that they struggle with and would like to resolve. Maximizing a small space can come with some common issues that can become sources of frustration. These can include: a lack of adequate kitchen storage space; cramped bathrooms; bedroom closets that never seem to have enough room for clothing and shoes; and a dire need for a desk or workspace to keep organized. Attempting to resolve these challenges often becomes a frustrating endeavor. At Bucks County Cabinetry and Design, our team has a history of working collaboratively with clients to understand their needs, and to design alternatives to resolve their space challenges via custom built luxurious wood cabinetry solutions. Overall, custom solutions to maximize space are truly endless. Accordingly, in this month’s blog we are sharing some illustrations of just a few possibilities that can be accomplished to address space challenges in your home.